Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry West San Jose
Cosmetic dentistry is a term used for all the procedures that help improve the appearance of one’s teeth. Some of the popular procedures include teeth whitening, plaque removal, crowns and bridges, veneers, etc.
Teeth Whitening (Bleaching)
It is the procedure of removing the accumulated bacteria and stains from the surface of the teeth, making them look whiter. It is the most widely used cosmetic dental procedure. The patient will be screened to determine the extent of staining and the plaque accumulation on the teeth. Dental whitening cream is then applied to the teeth, which lifts the stains from the surface. After leaving the cream on the teeth for a certain duration, it will be rinsed off. The procedure may have to be repeated a certain number of times depending on the staining of the teeth and the degree of whitening the patient desires.
Laser Teeth Whitening
It is similar to regular teeth whitening, except for the additional use of a laser to activate the teeth whitening gel. The gel produces a foam, which helps remove the stains quicker than conventional whitening, which uses hydrogen peroxide.
Dental Filling
Dental fillings are used when a person has cavities or when one’s tooth is chipped, cracked or fractured. Dental cement looks exactly like enamel in both color and texture. When a person suffers from a fractured or cracked tooth, dental cement is used to prevent further crack propagation, which could result in the loss of the tooth.
Crowns and Bridges
Crowns are ceramic or composite cap-like structures, which are used to cover a tooth. They are used when a tooth is badly discolored, when it has sustained a crack or when a part of the tooth is chipped off. A bridge is used when an entire tooth has to be replaced. It is used along with two crowns on either side to hold it in place. Dental cement is used to bond them to the teeth and a high-intensity light beam is used to harden the cement.
Veneers are ceramic or composite shells that are bonded to the surface of a tooth in order to improve its aesthetics or to tend to a crack on its surface. A layer of the tooth is removed by grinding so as to make space for the veneer. An impression of the tooth is taken in order to fabricate the veneer in a laboratory. Once completed, it is bonded to the surface of the tooth using dental cement or other adhesives.
A denture is an artificial set of teeth. People who lose all their teeth can get a denture fabricated according to the size of their jaws. Dentures are removable and are meant only for aesthetics rather than functionality.
Having a beautiful smile is essential for a person who wants to regain their smile confidence and if you are looking to revive your natural smile, cosmetic dentistry is your best friend. Visit our practice in West San Jose today!